
The Gospel is God’s message of good news; good news that Jesus Christ came to live, die and rise again for the forgiveness of sin to bring redeemed sinners under God’s gracious reign for the renewal of all things. The Gospel brings us home to God for life that is truly life – every day. Our lives are centered in this news. We believe the grace offered in the Gospel, and imparted by the Spirit, is the most powerful change agent in the universe. The Gospel changes everything and is for everyone; both believers and non-believers. 


As a church, we are a redeemed people, not a place, a meeting or an institution. From beginning to end God’s aim is to glorify Himself through a people, His people, who He is calling out from all tribes, peoples and languages through the Gospel. He calls this people the Church. We are a local expression of God’s redeemed people. We are a church that desires the good of the entire High Desert through the multiplication of worshiping, redemptive, missional, sacrificial communities, planted throughout the cities of the High Desert to incarnate Jesus in every hill and valley of this beautiful desert.



As the church, we are a people sent across the street and around the world, on a mission with the Gospel. The mission of God is to make disciples. God sends His people, the church, on His mission in their context to create a people for Himself, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As God’s people in the High Desert, we are participating in His unfolding story. We want as many people as possible to experience the sin- cleansing, shame-removing, life-changing, world-altering power of the Gospel. We exist to share this news and our lives with our neighbors. “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:18–19 (ESV) This is why we are here. Together, these form our Core Values.